Competition & why I race
“I view competition as a vehicle to get the most out of yourself”.
_Jack Mullaney (Naz Elite running coach)
Recently I’ve been thinking about why I race. Not just why I do triathlon but, why do I race? When I heard Jack Mullaney say this on a podcast it hit me - this is exactly why I race. Racing holds the space for us to show up as our best selves on a specific day at a specific time and on a specific course. There is something very important about this. Having that pressure to show up as our best possible self gives us the fuel to show up all the days leading up to that event. If you take the race away then showing up has less of a measurement and in many cases less of a meaning. Pressure is important in order to grow. Yes the journey is what it’s all about but the race is part of the journey. We need that lighthouse in order to ask ourselves what can I do right now in order to give myself the best chance on race day.
Competition can be many things including racing against others as well as racing against yourself (better time or even just finishing depending on your event). The point is that the pressure holds one of the important keys to growth.
Racing is immensely important in a journey of growth in endurance sport because it is part of the power and energy that shows us what’s possible for ourselves.
Nature and evolution need competition to evolve.
Businesses need competition to become better and innovate.
We need competition as athletes in order to get the most out of ourselves and to evolve personally.
Action step:
What magic could I create for myself by embracing competition (or pressure) in my athletic journey?
Quote from Coach Jack Mullaney from the Podcast: I’ll Have Another Ep. 558
My bike at T1 Ironman 70.3 Oceanside 2019